Allowed Value | Details |
A-B | A to B transition steps (first nucleotide A, second B) |
AAA | steps in the A form |
AAu | A forms with bases partially unstacked |
AAw | steps in the A form but some torsions (typically α and ɣ) have values switched from the typical values |
B-A | B to A transition steps (first nucleotide B, second A) |
B12 | Steps with torsion values bridging B and BII forms |
BB2 | Steps in the BII ("b-two") form |
BBB | Steps in the B form |
BBw | Steps in the B form but some torsions (typically α and ɣ) have values switched from the typical values |
ICL | Steps with parallel but distant bases that can be intercalated |
NAN | Unassigned steps |
OPN | Steps with unstacked, frequently distant bases and untypical torsion values |
SYN | Steps containing base in the syn orientation |
ZZZ | steps in the Z form |
miB | Steps with B like sugar puckers and stacked bases but untypical torsion values |
Allowed Value | Details |
A-B | A to B transition steps (first nucleotide A, second B) |
AAA | steps in the A form |
AAu | A forms with bases partially unstacked |
AAw | steps in the A form but some torsions (typically α and ɣ) have values switched from the typical values |
B-A | B to A transition steps (first nucleotide B, second A) |
B12 | Steps with torsion values bridging B and BII forms |
BB2 | Steps in the BII ("b-two") form |
BBB | Steps in the B form |
BBw | Steps in the B form but some torsions (typically α and ɣ) have values switched from the typical values |
ICL | Steps with parallel but distant bases that can be intercalated |
NAN | Unassigned steps |
OPN | Steps with unstacked, frequently distant bases and untypical torsion values |
SYN | Steps containing base in the syn orientation |
ZZZ | steps in the Z form |
miB | Steps with B like sugar puckers and stacked bases but untypical torsion values |