Cannonical chemical sequence expressed as string of
one-letter amino acid codes. Modifications are coded
as the parent amino acid where possible or coded as X otherwise.
A for alanine or adenine
B for ambiguous asparagine/aspartic-acid
R for arginine
N for asparagine
D for aspartic-acid
C for cysteine or cystine or cytosine
Q for glutamine
E for glutamic-acid
Z for ambiguous glutamine/glutamic acid
G for glycine or guanine
H for histidine
I for isoleucine
L for leucine
K for lysine
M for methionine
F for phenylalanine
P for proline
S for serine
T for threonine or thymine
W for tryptophan
Y for tyrosine
V for valine
U for uracil