The isotopic composition of each component, including the % labeling level, if known. For example: 1. Uniform (random) labeling with 15N: U-15N 2. Uniform (random) labeling with 13C, 15N at known labeling levels: U-95% 13C;U-98% 15N 3. Residue selective labeling: U-95% 15N-Thymine 4. Site specific labeling: 95% 13C-Ala18, 5. Natural abundance labeling in an otherwise uniformly labled biomolecule is designated by NA: U-13C; NA-K,H
U-13C; NA-K,H; U-95% 15N Thymine
Allowed Value | Details |
[95% 13CA]-Trp | All Trp residues labeled 95 percent with 13C in the CA position |
[U-10% 13C; U-100% 15N] | |
[U-10% 13C; U-99% 15N] | |
[U-10% 13C] | Uniformly labeled with 13C at a level of 10 percent |
[U-100% 13C; U-100% 15N; U-80% 2H] | |
[U-100% 13C; U-100% 15N] | |
[U-100% 13C] | |
[U-100% 15N] | |
[U-100% 2H] | |
[U-13C; U-15N; U-2H] | Uniformly labeled with 13C$ 15N$ and 2H at unknown percentages |
[U-13C; U-15N] | Uniformly labeled with 13C and 15N at unknown percentages |
[U-13C; U-15N]-Ade | All adenine nucleotides labeled fully with both 13C and 15N |
[U-13C; U-15N]-Cyt | All cytosine nucleotides labeled fully with both 13C and 15N |
[U-13C; U-15N]-Gua | All guanine nucleotides labeled fully with both 13C and 15N |
[U-13C; U-15N]-Ura | All uracil nucleotides labeled fully with both 13C and 15N |
[U-13C] | Uniformly labeled with 13C at an unknown percentage |
[U-15N] | Uniformly labeled with 15N at an unknown percentage |
[U-15N]-Leu | Uniformly labeled 15N Leu residues |
[U-2H] | |
[U-90% 15N] | |
[U-95% 13C; U-90% 15N] | |
[U-95% 13C; U-95% 15N] | |
[U-95% 13C] | |
[U-95% 15N] | |
[U-98% 13C; U-98% 15N] | |
[U-98% 15N] | |
[U-99% 13C; U-99% 15N] | Uniformly labeled with 13C at 99 percent and 15N at 99 percent |
[U-99% 15N] | Uniformly labeled with 15N at a level of 99 percent |
[U-99% 2H] | |
natural abundance |