Data Item _phasing_MIR_der.R_cullis_anomalous


Item name
Category name
Attribute name
Required in PDB entries
Used in current PDB entries
Yes, in about 0.001 % of entries

Item Description

Residual factor Rcullis,ano for anomalous reflections for this derivative. The Cullis R factor was originally defined only for centric reflections. It is, however, also a useful statistical measure for anomalous reflections, which is how it is used in this data item. This is tabulated for acentric terms. A value less than 1.0 means there is some contribution to the phasing from the anomalous data. sum |Fph+obsFph-obs - Fh+calc - Fh-calc| Rcullis,ano = ------------------------------------------------ sum|Fph+obs - Fph-obs| Fph+obs = the observed positive Friedel structure-factor amplitude for the derivative Fph-obs = the observed negative Friedel structure-factor amplitude for the derivative Fh+calc = the calculated positive Friedel structure-factor amplitude from the heavy-atom model Fh-calc = the calculated negative Friedel structure-factor amplitude from the heavy-atom model sum is taken over the specified reflections Ref: Cullis, A. F., Muirhead, H., Perutz, M. F., Rossmann, M. G. & North, A. C. T. (1961). Proc. R. Soc. London Ser. A, 265, 15-38.

Data Type

Data type code
Data type detail
float item types are the subset of numbers that are the floating numbers.
Primitive data type code
Regular expression

Allowed Boundary Conditions

Minimum Value Maximum Value



Alias Item Name Dictionary Name Dictionary Version
_phasing_MIR_der.ebi_Rcullis_anomalous ebi_extensions 1.0