import copy
from os.path import splitext
from pdbx.reader.PdbxReader import PdbxReader
from pdbx.writer.PdbxWriter import PdbxWriter
from pdbx.reader.PdbxContainers import *
from sys import argv

def parseOperationExpression(expression) :
    operations = []
    stops = [ "," , "-" , ")" ]

    currentOp = ""
    i = 1
    # Iterate over the operation expression
    while i in range(1, len(expression) - 1):
        pos = i

        # Read an operation
        while expression[pos] not in stops and pos < len(expression) - 1 : 
            pos += 1    
        currentOp = expression[i : pos]

        # Handle single operations
        if expression[pos] != "-" :
            i = pos

        # Handle ranges
        if expression[pos] == "-" :
            pos += 1
            i = pos
            # Read in the range's end value
            while expression[pos] not in stops :
                pos += 1
            end = int(expression[i : pos])
            # Add all the operations in [currentOp, end]
            for val in range((int(currentOp)), end + 1) :
            i = pos
        i += 1
    return operations

def prepareOperation(oper_list, op1index, op2index) :
    # Prepare matrices for operations 1 & 2
    op1 = [[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 1]]
    op2 = [[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 1]]
    # Fill the operation matrices for operations 1 & 2
    for i in range(3) :
        op1[i][3] = float(oper_list.getValue("vector[" + str(i + 1) + "]", op1index))
        if (op2index != -1) :
            op2[i][3] = float(oper_list.getValue("vector[" + str(i + 1) + "]", op2index))
        for j in range(3) :
            op1[i][j] = float(oper_list.getValue("matrix[" + str(i + 1) + "][" + str(j + 1) + "]", op1index))
            if (op2index != -1) :
                op2[i][j] = float(oper_list.getValue("matrix[" + str(i + 1) + "][" + str(j + 1) + "]", op2index))
    # Handles non-Cartesian product expressions
    if (op2index == -1) :
        return op1

    operation = [[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 0],[0, 0, 0, 1]]

    # Handles Cartesian product expressions (4x4 matrix multiplication)
    sum = 0.0
    for row in range(4) :
        for col in range(4) :
            sum = 0.0
            for r in range(4) :
                sum += (op1[row][r] * op2[r][col])
            operation[row][col] = sum
    return operation

# Open the CIF file
cif = open(argv[1])

root, ext = splitext(argv[1])

# A list to be propagated with data blocks
data = []

# Create a PdbxReader object with the CIF file handle
pRd = PdbxReader(cif)

# Read the CIF file, propagating the data list

# Close the CIF file, as it is no longer needed

# Retrieve the first data block
block = data[0]

# Retrieve the atom_site category table, which delineates constituent atoms
atom_site = block.getObj("atom_site")

# Make a reference copy of the atom_site category table
atom_site_ref = copy.copy(atom_site)

# Retrieve the pdbx_struct_assembly_gen category table, which details the generation of each macromolecular assembly
assembly_gen = block.getObj("pdbx_struct_assembly_gen")

# Retrieve the pdbx_struct_oper_list category table, which details translation and rotation 
# operations required to generate/transform assembly coordinates
oper_list = block.getObj("pdbx_struct_oper_list")

attributes = atom_site_ref.getAttributeList()

# Create a CIF file for every assembly specified in pdbx_struct_assembly_gen
for index in range(assembly_gen.getRowCount()) :

    # Create a new atom_site category table for this assembly
    atom_site = DataCategory("atom_site", attributes)
    # Lists to hold the individual operations
    oper = []
    oper2 = []

    # Keep track of the current atom and model number
    atomNum = 1
    modelNum = 0

    # Retrieve the assembly_id attribute value for this assembly
    assemblyId = assembly_gen.getValue("assembly_id", index)

    # Retrieve the operation expression for this assembly from the oper_expression attribute	
    oper_expression = assembly_gen.getValue("oper_expression", index)

    # Count the number of left parentheses in the operation expression
    parenCount = oper_expression.count("(")

    # Handles one operation assemblies (e.g., "1")
    if parenCount == 0 : oper.append(oper_expression)
    # Handles multiple operation assemblies, no Cartesian products (e.g., "(1-5)")
    if parenCount == 1 : oper.extend(parseOperationExpression(oper_expression))
    # Handles Cartesian product expressions (e.g., "(X0)(1-60)")
    if parenCount == 2 :
        # Break the expression into two parenthesized expressions and parse them
        temp = oper_expression.find(")")

    # Retrieve the asym_id_list, which indicates which atoms to apply the operations to
    asym_id_list = assembly_gen.getValue("asym_id_list", index)

    temp = (1 > len(oper2)) and 1 or len(oper2)

    # For every operation in the first parenthesized list
    for op1 in oper :
        # Find the index of the current operation in the oper_list category table
        op1index = 0
        for row in range(oper_list.getRowCount()) : 
            if oper_list.getValue("id", row) == op1 : 
                op1index = row

        # For every operation in the second parenthesized list (if there is one)
        for i in range(temp) :		
            # Find the index of the second operation in the oper_list category table
            op2index = -1
            if (oper2) :
                for row in range(oper_list.getRowCount()) :
                    if oper_list.getValue("id", row) == oper2[i] :
                        op2index = row

            # Prepare the operation matrix
            operation = prepareOperation(oper_list, op1index, op2index)

            # Iterate over every atom in the atom_site reference table
            for r in range(atom_site_ref.getRowCount()) :
                # If the asym_id of the current atom is not in the asym_id list, skip to the next atom
                if (asym_id_list.find(atom_site_ref.getValue("label_asym_id", r)) == -1) :
                # Retrieve the atom's row from the atom_site reference table
                atom = atom_site_ref.getFullRow(r)

                # Add this row to the atom_site table for this assembly
                for s in range(len(attributes)) :
                    atom_site.setValue(atom[s], attributes[s], atomNum - 1)

                # Update the atom number and model number for this row
                atom_site.setValue(str(atomNum), "id", atomNum - 1)
                atom_site.setValue(str(modelNum), "pdbx_PDB_model_num", atomNum - 1) 

                # Determine and set the new coordinates
                coords = [float(atom[10]), float(atom[11]), float(atom[12]), 1.0]
                sum = 0.0
                xyz = ['x', 'y', 'z']
                for a in range(3) :
                    sum = 0.0
                    for b in range(4) :
                        sum += (operation[a][b] * coords[b])
                    atom_site.setValue("%.3f" % sum, "Cartn_" + xyz[a], atomNum - 1)
                atomNum += 1
            modelNum += 1

    # Write the CIF out file
    out = open(root + "-" + assemblyId + ".cif", "w")
    pWt = PdbxWriter(out)