Version | Revision Date | Revision Description | |
0.7 | 2008-05-29 | Changes (jdw): + corrections to examples, set mandatory codes for key items. |
mmcif_biosync.dic |
0.6 | 2005-10-27 | Changes (jdw): +Moved _bsync_diffrn_measurement.monochromator _bsync_diffrn_measurement.monochromator_crystal _bsync_diffrn_measurement.mirrors _bsync_diffrn_measurement.mirror_cutoff to category bsync_diffrn_radiation. |
mmcif_biosync.dic |
0.5 | 2005-10-20 | Changes (jdw): +Added items: _bsync_diffrn_measurement.special_capabilities _bsync_diffrn_measurement.other_instrumentation |
mmcif_biosync.dic |
0.4 | 2001-01-24 | mmCIF aliases added | mmcif_biosync.dic |
0.3 | 2000-08-01 | Revised application of beamline_id | mmcif_biosync.dic |
0.2 | 2000-07-31 | Update, add versioning | mmcif_biosync.dic |
0.1 | 2000-02-17 | Initial version | mmcif_biosync.dic |
Data Type Code | Primitive Type Code | Regular Expression | Description |
any | char | .* | A catch all for items that may take any form... |
code | char | [_,.;:"&<>/\{}'`~!@#$%A-Za-z0-9*|+-]* | code item types/single words ... |
float | numb | -?(([0-9]+)|([0-9]*[.][0-9]+))([(][0-9]+[)])?([eE][+-]?[0-9]+)? | int item types are the subset of numbers that are the floating numbers. |
int | numb | -?[0-9]+ | int item types are the subset of numbers that are the negative or positive integers. |
line | char | [][ \t_(),.;:"&<>/\{}'`~!@#$%?+=*A-Za-z0-9|^-]* | char item types / multi-word items ... |
text | char | [][ \n\t()_,.;:"&<>/\{}'`~!@#$%?+=*A-Za-z0-9|^-]* | text item types / multi-line text ... |
uline | uchar | [][ \t_(),.;:"&<>/\{}'`~!@#$%?+=*A-Za-z0-9|^-]* | char item types / multi-word items (case insensitive)... |
yyyy-mm-dd | char | [0-9]?[0-9]?[0-9][0-9]-[0-9]?[0-9]-[0-9][0-9] | Standard format for CIF dates. |
SubCategory Identifier | Description |
Units Identifier | Description |
KeV | kiloelectron volts (electron volts * 10(3) |
angstroms | angstroms (meters * 10(-10)) |
celsius | degrees (of temperature) Celsius |
centimetres | centimetres (meters * 10( -2)) |
hours | hours |
kelvins | degrees (of temperature) Kelvin |
kilovolts | kilovolts |
kilowatts | kilowatts |
meters | . |
microseconds | microseconds |
milliamperes | milliamperes |
millimetres | millimetres (meters * 10( -3)) |
minutes | minutes |
nanometres | nanometres (meters * 10( -9)) |
seconds | seconds |
From Units&Identifier | To Units&Identifier | Operator | Conversion Factor |