Data Category variant


Category name
Required in PDB entries
Category group membership
Used in current PDB entries

Category Relationship Diagrams

View full category relationship diagram including all dictionary data categories

Category Description

              Data items in the VARIANT category record
              the details about sets of variants of data items.
              There is sometimes a need to allow for multiple versions of the
              same data items in order to allow for refinements and corrections
              to earlier assumptions, observations and calculations.  In order
              to allow data sets to contain more than one variant of the same
              information, an optional ...variant data item as a pointer to
              _variant.variant has been added to the key of every category,
              as an implicit data item with a null (empty) default value.
              All rows in a category with the same variant value are considered
              to be related to one another and to all rows in other categories
              with the same variant value.  For a given variant, all such rows
              are also considered to be related to all rows with a null variant
              value, except that a row with a null variant value is for which
              all other components of its key are identical to those entries
              in another row with a non-null variant value is not related the
              the rows with that non-null variant value.  This behavior is
              similar to the convention for identifying alternate conformers
              in an atom list.
              An optional role may be specified for a variant as the value of
              _variant.role.  Possible roles are null, "preferred",
              "raw data", "unsuccessful trial".
              variants may carry an optional timestamp as the value of
              variants may be related to other variants from which they were
              derived by the value of _variant.variant_of
              Further details about the variant may be specified as the value
              of _variant.details.
              In order to allow variant information from multiple datasets to
              be combined, _variant.diffrn_id and/or _variant.entry_id may
              be used.

Category Example


            . "raw data" 2007-08-03T23:20:00 . .
            indexed "preferred" 2007-08-04T01:17:28 .
              "indexed cell and refined beam center"
        d1     d1_ccd_1  201.5 201.5  mm  .
        d1     d1_ccd_2  -1.8  201.5  mm  .
        d1     d1_ccd_3  201.6  -1.4  mm  .
        d1     d1_ccd_4  -1.7   -1.5  mm  .
        d1     d1_ccd_1  201.3 201.6  mm  indexed
        d1     d1_ccd_2  -2.0  201.6  mm  indexed
        d1     d1_ccd_3  201.3  -1.5  mm  indexed
        d1     d1_ccd_4  -1.9   -1.6  mm  indexed