Data Category pdbx_reference_entity_poly_link


Category name
Required in PDB entries
Category group membership
bird_dictionary_group  pdbx_group
Used in current PDB entries
Used in the BIRD dictionary

Category Relationship Diagrams

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View abbreviated category relationship diagram including only those categories used in the BIRD reference dictionary.

Category Description

               Data items in the PDBX_REFERENCE_ENTITY_POLY_LINK category give details about
               polymer linkages including both standard and non-standard linkages between 
               polymer componnents.

Category Example

PRD_000001 1 1 1 1 DSN C 2 ALA N  'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 2 2 ALA C 3 N2C N  'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 3 2 ALA C 3 N2C N  'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 4 2 ALA C 3 NCY N  'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 5 3 N2C C 4 MVA N  'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 6 3 NCY C 4 MVA N  'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 7 4 MVA C 5 DSN OG 'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 8 5 DSN C 6 ALA N  'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 8 6 ALA C 7 NCY N  'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 9 6 ALA C 7 N2C N  'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 8 7 NCY C 8 MVA N  'single'
PRD_000001 1 1 9 7 N2C C 8 MVZ N  'single'
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