Data Category struct_ncs_dom_lim


Category name
Required in PDB entries
Category group membership
Used in current PDB entries
Yes, in about 5.5 % of entries

Category Relationship Diagrams

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Category Description

               Data items in the STRUCT_NCS_DOM_LIM category identify the
               start and end points of polypeptide chain segments
               that form all or part of a domain in an ensemble of domains
               related by noncrystallographic symmetry.

Category Example

     d1 1 1 .  A PRO  1  . A GLY  29
     d1 1 2 .  B PRO  31 . B GLY  59
     d1 1 3 .  C PRO  61 . B GLY  89
     d2 1 1 .  D PRO  91 . D GLY 119
     d2 1 2 .  E PRO 121 . E GLY 149
     d2 1 3 .  F PRO 151 . F GLY 179