Data Category chem_comp_bond


Category name
Required in PDB entries
Category group membership
chem_comp_dictionary_group  chem_comp_group
Used in current PDB entries
Used in the Chemical Component dictionary

Category Relationship Diagrams

View full category relationship diagram including all dictionary data categories
View abbreviated category relationship diagram including only those categories used in the chemical reference dictionary.

Category Description

               Data items in the CHEM_COMP_BOND category record details about
               the bonds between atoms in a chemical component. Target values
               may be specified as bond orders, as a distance between the two
               atoms, or both.

Category Example

      phe  N    CA   sing
      phe  CA   C    sing
      phe  C    O    doub
      phe  CB   CA   sing
      phe  CB   CG   sing
      phe  CG   CD1  arom
      phe  CD1  CE1  arom
      phe  CE1  CZ   arom
      phe  CZ   CE2  arom
      phe  CE2  CD2  arom
      phe  CD2  CG   arom
      val  N    CA   sing
      val  CA   C    sing
      val  C    O    doub
      val  CB   CA   sing
      val  CB   CG1  sing
      val  CB   CG2  sing